Friday, April 10, 2015

Security Is Hard

This entry is the result of watching John Oliver interview Edward Snowden

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)

I finally understand why the conversations about solutions for OpSec and extending protection for information everywhere by default don't exist outside of a small group of people.

From Aug 2013 to present, I have prototyped and built a dynamic working methodology that uses #IaaS with #Virtualization to proactively and reactively deal with small to large scale systems that is designed to deal with attacks and intrusions against Operating Systems and Application Data. By using this on the Internet, and allowing malicious intrusions on test systems, I have been able to test and refine what works while removing what doesn't.

Over many years I discovered that when I explain how this works and why it is needed to individuals that do not work in IT, no one will attempt to do it because my method requires a change in how systems and data get managed and that makes it "too hard" or "too expensive" to use to protect customer data.

I'm not worried, I can wait.
I created my first free Internet VPN / Public Proxy in 1997 with strong encryption and anonymity well before business and regular Internet users were interested. Since all the revelations on Internet Surveillance, many have become my customers.

What I have learned is that if all of us that work with information, applications, and communications can find a way to explain how encryption will prevent compromising photos of naked men and women from having their pictures getting intercepted, stolen, or revealed, we will all be very, very, rich.....and safer for it.

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